Geophysical Center World Data System WDCs in Russia Russian version

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Data Policy
The data policy regulates the use by any user of the data provided by the World Data Center for Solid Earth Physics (WDC for SEP) in Moscow. Using data from the WDC for SEP, the user fully accepts he policy with respect to data.

The World Data Center for Sold Earth Physics is operated by the Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GC RAS) acting on the basis of the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation [1, 2].
The WDC for SEP is a Regular Member of the World Data System (WDS) of the International Science Council (ISC; formerly ICSU).
The WDC for SEP, Moscow is guided by the WDS Constitution. The data policy of the Center is consistent with the WDS Data Sharing Principles.

General Outline
The WDC for SEP aims the collection, guaranteed long-term storage and dissemination of geophysical data on the following disciplines of Sold Earth Physics: geomagnetic variations, ionospheric phenomena, solar activity and interplanetary medium, and cosmic rays.
The WDC for SEP manages a large volume of geophysical data of domestic and foreign scientific institutions, stations and observatories accumulated over the period since 1957 as a result of the exchange between World Data Centers in the WDC System of the ICSU in accordance with the Guide [3, 4].
The WDC for SEP manages data of Russian and foreign scientific institutions. Such data are made available to the world scientific community in accordance with the cooperation agreements between the GC RAS and the institutions and institutes that manage observatories and transmit data to the WDC for SEP.
The WDC for SEP ensures storage, preservation, quality control and provides open data access through website.
WDC for SEP aims to keep up to date and expand information resources available on the Internet by attracting data from other sources (mainly from Russia and the CIS countries) and converting data from other storage media into electronic form.
Data storage is carried out in accordance with international formats, in cases where they are accepted.
No confidential data is not stored in the WDC for SEP.

Availability and Use
All data, metadata, products and information at the WDC for SEP are open and freely available for scientific, educational, and other non-commercial purposes without restriction.
For commercial applications of data it's necessary to contact the WDC for SEP.
The WDC for SEP data are available as digital data sets, digital images or PDF-files.
The WDC for SEP data can be downloaded via a web browser or FTP access.
Data in non-electronic form is available for use on request
The WDC for SEP data are freely available to all users, provided the reference to source and the proper citation of the dataset.
Data users ensure the non-commercial use of the data and the publication of references to sources and owners.
When downloading data your e-mail is requested for the collection of statistics.

When using any information from the website or archive of the WDC for SEP a reference to the WDC for SEP with indication of the web address is required.
Publications using WDC for SEP data or data from other centers and institutions provided on the WDC for SEP website should include acknowledgement to the WDC for SEP and relevant centers and institutions.
When using data from the WDC for SEP website, it is necessary to use the data citation sample, if it is provided on the web page.
A citation reference should be sent to address for inclusion in a Publication list on the WDC for SEP website.

About the website
The WDC for SEP does everything possible to provide accurate and up-to-date information, when it is posted on the website.
The website may contain links to websites operated by other institutions. The WDC for SEP is not responsible for the content of these websites and does not guarantee their compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Access to the website can be interrupted at any time, without notice, especially in cases of force majeure or maintenance works. The WDC for SEP has the right to suspend or terminate the operation of the website.

The WDC for SEP is grateful to all observatories, institutions and research teams, which provide the results of observations and the results of analysis to the WDC for SEP.

If there is a dispute regarding ownership or access to data, it will be resolved by the Director of the WDC for SEP.

Relevant Documents
1. Federal law of the Russian Federation No. 127-FZ of 23.08.1996 "On science and the state scientific and technical policy" (latest edition of 26.07.2019).
2. Federal law of the Russian Federation No. 149-FZ of 27.07.2006 "On information, information technologies and information protection" (with changes and additions).
3. Guide to the World data Center System. ICSU Panel on World Data Centres. Boulder. 1989.
4. Guide to the World data Center System. ICSU Panel on World Data Centres. Paris, Boulder. 1996.

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Website is designed by L.Zabarinskaya

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