Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute


of United Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth

Russian Academy of Sciences


Russia, 142092, Troitsk, Moscow Region

Tel./Fax: 7(095)334 0906,


Director - Prof. Vjacheslav V. Spichak


Brief History


The Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute was founded in 1993 and is presently one of the Institutions forming the United Institute of the Physics of the Earth (UIPE). GEMRI employs now 55 staff, of whom the 35 are R&D employees (including 5 Professors).


Scientific profile

The main directions of scientific activity of GEMRI are as follows:

- theory of electromagnetic fields (EM) of natural origin taking into accout anisotropy and frequency dispersion of the conductivity;

- physical and mathematical foundations of interrelation of seismic and electromagnetic phenomena in porous and watersaturated rocks;

- advanced algorithms and software packages for numerical modeling of EM fields in 2D/3D anisotropic media induced in the earth by natural and controlled sources;

- methods for 2D/3D inversion of EM data based on using conjugate gradients, Bayseian statistics and artificial neural network techniques;

- high resolution near-surface time domain electromagnetics;

- marine electromagnetics;

- regional MT studies aimed at construction of 3D conductivity models (Juan de Fuca subduction zone, Caucasus, Tasmania Island, Minou fracture zone, etc.);

- application of EM methods to environmental investigations;

- magnetotelluric monitoring in geodynamic areas (in particular, at Tjan Shan testing site);

- electromagnetic instrumentation for high-resolution TDEM surveys.

A number of international Projects (in particular, EUROPROB, BEAR, etc.) funded by EC, OYO Co. (Japan), Russian Basic Research Foundation as well as by national science foundations of the countries involved were fulfilled by GEMRI in cooperation with scientists from the Universities of Paris, Napoli, Edinburg, Kyushu, Cair, Hobart, etc.

GEMRI has initiated and presently leads some International Projects aimed at comparison of numerical codes for processing EM data (COMDAT), 3D modeling (COMMEMI), 2D inversion (COPROD - 2S).

Scientists of GEMRI gave lectures and seminars on theory and methods of numerical modeling and inversion of EM fields at the Universities and Institutions of Montreal, Roma, Napoli, Paris, Hobart, Colorado School of Mines, Geological Surveys of Canada and Japan, Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture (Erice), etc.


Scientific activity during last 4 years

(Divisions I, II and V of IAGA)

GEMRI conducted research in the following lines:


I. Theory and methods

1. Development of universal method of solution of Maxwell equations in inhomogeneous conductive medium (named modified Iterative Dissipative Method - IDM), which is widely applied in numerical modeling of EM fields induced in the earth by sources of arbitrary origin.

Singer B.Sh., Fainberg E.B., 1995. Generalization of the iterative dissipative method for modeling electromagnetic fields in nonuniform media with displacement currents. Applied Geophysics, 34, 41-46.

Singer B.Sh, Fainberg E.B., 1995. Generalized Iteration Dissipative Method of calculation of EM fields in non-uniform media. Fizika Zemli, N2, 69-72 (in Russian).

Singer B.Sh., Fainberg E.B. 1996. Fast and stable method for 3D modeling of electromagnetic field. In: ASEG Conference, Sidney, p. 1-7.


2. The general nonlinear inversion approach, developed within the class of fixed-geometry 2D structures is extended for the case of piece-wise continuous conducting media in 2D and full 3D formulations (Golubev, Varentsov, 1997; Varentsov, 1998). Several schemes to approximate conductivity within scanning “windows” are elaborated, like parametrization with independent or pseudo-correlated cell resistivities or schemes based on Strakhov's "finite" functions.

Golubev N.G., Varentsov Iv.M. 1997. Recent 2D inversion developments in magnetotellurics for piece-wise continuous conductivity structures. The WWW-page (

Varentsov Iv.M. 1998. Recent 3D inversion developments in magnetotellurics for piece-wise continuous conductivity structures: a scheme with finite function conductivity approximation (

3. Elaboration of the Artificial Neural Network Expert System for recognition of 3D inhomogeneities burried in a layered earth by noisy and incomplete MT data.

Spichak, V.V., and Popova, I.V., 1998. Application of the Neural Network Approach to the Reconstruction of a Three-Dimensional Geoelectrical Structure. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 34, 33-39.

Spichak, V.V., and Popova, I.V., 1999. Artificial neural network inversion of MT - data in terms of 3D earth macro - parameters. Geoph. J. Int. (in press).


4. Development of the method for 3D inversion of EM data in inhomogeneous media taking into account the apriori information and formalized geophycisist’s experience.

Spichak, V.V., Menville, M., and Roussignol, M., 1995. Three-Dimensional Inversion of the Magnetotelluric Fields Using Bayesian Statistics, in Schlumberger Doll Research Symp. on 3D Electromagnetics, 347-358, eds. Spies, B., and Oristaglio, M., Ridgfield.

Spichak, V.V., Menville, M. and Roussignol, M. 1999. Estimation of the Effects of Quality and Volume of apriori Information and Data on 3D -Inversion of Magnetotelluric Fields. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 35, 260-270.


5. Development of physical and mathematical background of seismoelectrical transformations in porous watersaturated media (rocks). It enables to understand the nature of low - frequency electromagnetic fields, connected with geodynamic and other mechanical processes inside the earth.

Svetov, B.S., and Gubatenko, V.P. 1999. Electromagnetic field of mechanical origin in porous watersaturated medium. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 9 (in press).


6. The informational-statistical model of electromagnetic field of the ocean is developed on the basis of information theory and thermodynamics. The model intends for solution of three problems: (1) interpretation of probabilistis distribution of the field, (2) determination of dependence measure of its elements and causal interpretation and (3) computation of the field on the aquatory in real time by observation at a reference site.

Korotaev S.M. 1995. Role of different definitons of the entropy in the causal analysis and their application to electromagnetic induction in the sea currents. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 35, 116-125.

Korotaev S.M., Serdyuk V.O. and Sorokin M.O. 1995. Regression computation of the geomagnetic variations in the ocean. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 35, 126-130.

Korotaev S.M. 1995. Interpretation of probability distribution of the electromagnetic field tension in the ocean. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 35, 119-125.

Trofimov I.L. 1996. To the theory of magnetotelluric methods of the Earth. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 5, 50-56.

Korotaev S.M. and Sorokin M.O. 1996. Computation of the variable magnetic field in the ocean by the method of homological variations. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 36, 220-223.

Korotaev S.M. 1996. Logic of causal mechanics: observations-theory-experiments. In: On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: The constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 2. World Scientific, 66-78.

Arushanov M.L. and Korotaev S.M. 1996. Geophysical effects of causal mechanics. In: On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: The constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 2. World Scientific, 141-146.

Shneyer V.S., Zhdanov M.S. and Gillmor C.S. 1997. Review of the marine electromagnetic research in USSR. Proceeding Marine Electromagnetics, London.

Palchin N.A., Abramov J.M., Santis A., Meloni A., Poray-Koshits A.M., Sheer V.S. and Abramova L.M. 1995. Magnetovariation sounding in the Tirrenian Sea. Physics of the Solid Earth. 1995, 4, 112-117.


7. Development of techniques aimed at fast 3D imaging of geoelectrical structures basing on EM data measured at a relief earth surface or in the atmosphere.

Spichak V.V. 1999. Imaging of the volcanic interior using the magnetotelluric data, in: 3D Electromagnetics (Ed. B. Spies and M. Oristaglio), SEG, Tulsa, OK, 347-358 .


II. Numerical modeling of EM fields in 2D/3D inhomogeneous media

1. A number of 3D modelling schemes based on IDM taking into account the displacement currents and electrical anisotropy of the formation are developed and applied to a wide range of geophysical applications: tectonomagnetics, magnetotellurics, grounded controlled-source electromagnetics, airborne electromagnetics, induction logging, global induction studies and water-motion induction studies.

Avdeev, D.B., A.V. Kuvshinov, and O.V. Pankratov, 1997. Tectonic process monitoring by variations of the geomagnetic field absolute intensity, Annali di Geofisica, 40, 281-285.

Avdeev, D.B., A.V. Kuvshinov, O.V. Pankratov & G. A. Newman, 1997. High-performance three-dimensional electromagnetic modelling using modified Neumann series. Wide-band numerical solution and examples, J. Geomagn. Geoelectr., 49, 1519-1539.

Avdeev, D.B., A.V. Kuvshinov, and O.V. Pankratov, 1998. An imaging of buried anomalies using multi-sheet inversion, Earth Planets Space, 50, 417-422.

Avdeev, D.B., A.V. Kuvshinov, O.V. Pankratov & G. A. Newman, 1998. Three-dimensional frequency-domain modelling of airborne electromagnetic responses, Exploration Geophysics, 29, 111-119.

Kuvshinov, A.V., D.B. Avdeev, and O.V. Pankratov, 1998. On deep sounding of a nonhomogeneous earth using satellite magnetic measurements, Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 34, 326-331.

Kuvshinov, A.V., D.B. Avdeev, and O.V. Pankratov, 1999. Global induction by Sq and Dst sources in the presence of oceans: bimodal solutions for non-uniform spherical surface shells above radially symmetric Earth models in comparison to observations, Geophys. J. Int., in press.

Pankratov, O.V., A.V. Kuvshinov, and D.B. Avdeev, 1997. High-performance three-dimensional electromagnetic modeling using modified Neumann series. Anisotropic case, J. Geomagn. Geoelectr., 49, 1541-1548.

Pankratov O.V., Avdeev D.B., Kuvshinov A.V., Shneyer V.S. and Trofimov I.L. 1998. Numerical modelling the ratio of cross-strait voltage to water transport for the Bering Strait. Earth, Planetary and Space Research, 50, 165-169.


2. An intensive mathematical modeling of the natural as well as controlled-source EM fields in a layered media with a frequency dispersion is carried out. It is determined that the resolution of the electromagnetic sounding in such a media increases.

Ageev, V.V., and Svetov, B.S. 1999. The influence of rocks polarizability on electromagnetic soundings results. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 1, 19-27.

Svetov, B.S. and Ageev, V.V. 1999. High resolution of electromagnetic methods and low frequency dispersion of rocks conductivity. Anali di Geofisica (in press).

3. Verification of computer software used in MT data analysis and other EM induction studies, i.e. the development of proper tests (including construction of special synthetic data sets) and organization of cooperative efforts to study existing algorithms and codes in frames of the international comparative projects of the IAGA WG I.2. The first COMMEMI project of this type aimed at testing modeling tools is already completed (Zhdanov et al., 1997). Recently two new projects based on synthetic data sets designed in GEMRI were launched: the COMDAT project to test MT data processing tools (Sokolova, Varentsov, 1998) and the COPROD-2S project to study 2D MT inversion tools (Varentsov, 1998).

Sokolova E.Yu., Varentsov Iv.M., 1998. Project to compare MT data processing techniques using synthetic data sets. The COMDAT project WWW-page:

Varentsov Iv.M., 1998. COPROD-2S: New project to compare 2D inversion codes using synthetic data sets. The COPROD-2S project WWW-page:

Zhdanov M.S., Varentsov Iv.M., Weaver J.T., Golubev N.G., Krylov V.A. 1997. Methods for modeling electromagnetic fields (results from COMMEMI). J. Appl. Geophys., Special Issue, 37 (No 3-4), 133-271.


III. Interpretation of EM data

1. Construction of 3D conductivity models basing on synthetic and real MT data (Juan de Fuca subduction zone (EMSLAB experiment), Kilauea volcano, Caucasus, Tasmania Island, Minou fracture zone, Minami-Kayabe geothermal reservoir, etc.).

Spichak, V.V., 1999. Magnitotelluricheskie polja v trekhmernikh modeljakh geoelektriki (Magnetotelluric Fields in 3D Geoelectrical Models), Scientific World, Moscow.


2. Re-interpretation of the EMSLAB project MT soundings at the Lincoln line profile was held with a special care for the resolution of inhomogeneous conducting asthenosphere (Varentsov et al., 1996). This research based on the use of new bi-modal 2D inversion schemes and the application of original schemes to control static shift distortions by GDS data transforms (Vanyan et al., 1997) gave a new understanding of the upper mantle conductivity structure of the area. An integral equation technique to extract simultaneous magnetic component data from profile arrays of single site induction vector estimates was specially designed and succesfully tested in this study (Vanyan et al., 1998).

Vanyan L.L., Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Sokolova E.Yu., 1997. Construction of MT induction curves from a profile of geomagnetic data to resolve electrical conductivity of the continental asthenosphere in the EMSLAB experiment. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 33, N10, 807-819.

Vanyan L.L., Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Sokolova E.Yu., 1998. Derivation of simultaneous geomagnetic field components from tipper arrays. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 34, N9, 779-786.

Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Gordienko V.V., Sokolova E.Yu. 1996. The study of deep geoelectrical structure along Lincoln-Line profile (EMSLAB experiment). Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 32, No 4, 375-393.


3. Investigation of the nature of conductive layers in the crust of ancient platforms at the depth 10-12 km. It is shown that increased conductance is caused by specific P-T conditions, amphibolite minerals and by water penetration inside and through faults and cracks.

Fainberg E.B., Guerin R., Andrieux P., Poltaratskaya O.L., 1995. Dynamic correction of amplitude curves of magnetotelluric soundings distorted by influence of nearsurface inghomogeneities, Fizika Zemli, N 7, 29 - 34 (in Russian).


4. Development of new technology (TEM-FAST), instrumentation and software for application of TDEM in environmental investigations.

Barsukov P.O., Fainberg E.B., 1997. Superparamagnetic chimney effect above gold and nickel deposits. Doklady Academii Nauk, April, N 235 (in Russian)


5. Collection of a large volume of MT monitoring data at one of seismo-active regions of Tjan-Shan (6 years, discretization -10s) . It is found that the dynamics of the appropriate transfer functions is in some extent connected with alterations of the energy of the geodynamical processes studied.

Svetov, B.S., Kuksa, Y.I.. and Odintsov, V.I.. 1997. Magnetotelluric monitoring of geodynamical processes. Anali di Geofisica, vol.XL.


6. Data processing and interpretation in the Baltic Electromagnetic Array Research (BEAR) Project. The BEAR project, an integral part of an international, multidisciplinary EUROPROBE SVEKALAPKO project, realizes an ultra deep EM sounding using a shield wide magnetotelluric and magnetometer array. Almost 50 portable MT instruments and 20 additional magnetic stations run simultaneously for 2 months during the summer 1998. Now the standard MT and GDS processing stage is almost completed. Robust processing codes (Varentsov et al., 1997) will be used to produce stable transfer functions (single station and remote reference) for periods from 10 sec till 6-12-24 hours with minor polar inhomogeneous source distortions (Varentsov et al., 1999) for sites even at the polar circle.

Varentsov Iv.M., Golubev N.G., Martanus E.R., Sokolova E.Yu., Nalivaiko K.V. 1997. Magnetotelluric processing system PRC-MTMV and its applications. Russian-German seminar "Actual problems in deep EM studies" (Extended Abstracts). IGEMI, Moscow, Russia, 51-52.

Varentsov Iv.M., Sokolova E.Yu., Baglaenko N.V., Martanus E.Yu., Nalivaiko K.V. 1999. Baltic Electromagnetic Array Research - Processing, Modelling and Interpretation (BEAR.PMI) (


7. A long-term geophysical experement on verification of the hypothesis on non-local interaction of the dissipative processes is carried out. The experimental setup inlculed a detector of the non-local interaction based on measuring of self-potentials of the marine electrodes protected from the known source effects. Number of new effects is discovered: correlation of the potentials on the distant setups, advanced reaction of the potentials on the geomagnetic variations, sudden ionosphric disturbances and solar activity. The results agree with predictions of the hypothesis, combining the ideas of causal mechanics, quantum non-locality in a strong macroscopic limit and action-at-a-distance electrodynamics. The advanced time Pag of the nonlocal interaction allows to develop a principle new method of geophysical forecast.

Korotaev S.M., Serdyuk V.O., Sorokin M.O. and Abramov J.M. 1999. Geophysical manifestation of interaction of the processes through the active properties of time. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 4.